Target tax-avoiding EU schemes, not Conservative voters, Mr Sunak

Published on 8 February 2021

Second article based on my interview with the Daily Express about tax avoidance and state aid by companies using bases in Ireland and Luxembourg to trade into the UK…

Ending EU tax loopholes could save Britain £15 BILLION every year – ‘We’ve been pillaged!’

Published on 6 February 2021

My interview for the Daily Express with Ciaran McGrath on the abuses and state aid used to deny the UK exchequer billions of pounds of tax revenues on UK sales:

Vaccine immunity can move P2P shocker – Irish border to be closed

Storm clouds gather for the Northern Ireland Protocol

Published on 2 February 2021

From our special European correspondent Hieronymus Graf von Lupin-Bridgerton

EU officials moved today to close the Irish border in
response to the shocking revelation that COVID-19 immunity can be passed
person-to-person, from one who has received the vaccination to one who has not.

Tests carried out at Laboratoire […]

EU “emergency powers” spuriously based on TFEU Article 122

Published on 29 January 2021

This is the paper in which I explored the misuse by the EU of Article 122 in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union in order, in this case, to bypass the normal budget process and set up the coronavirus recovery fund, euphemistically re-named as Next Generation EU.

Please click […]

EU borrowings for Next Generation EU contradict representations made to bond investors

Published on 25 November 2020

There is ongoing dispute about the next EU budget of which the COVID-19 recovery package (“Next Generation EU” or “NGEU”) is a part, on the basis that the money should or should not be tied to adherence to EU diktats in other areas.

A focus on this area is convenient for the […]

EU breaks its own treaty to create Coronavirus Recovery Fund

My article top left on Daily Telegraph homepage

Published on 17 September 2020

For those of you who cannot get behind the Daily Telegraph paywall, here is the full text of my article that was given such prominence on 16th September 2020…

There is enormous gnashing of teeth
and rending of garments over the government’s Brexit fallback bill and […]

The Great EU Budget Deception – the 9th Brexit Paper published by Global Britain

Published on 28 August 2020

We have had another paper in the Brexit Papers series published by Global Britain.

It is subtitled “The EU 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework and Coronavirus Recovery Fund: a dagger aimed at the Republic of Ireland, or a con trick on all EU citizens and on financial market investors?”

It is […]

German court decision on ECB’s Qualitative Easing: more fudge than Thornton’s

Published on 6 May 2020

I can’t help regarding this decision of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVG) as a bit of a fudge. It is rendered less biting because (i) this is part of a long-running saga bouncing between the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the BVG; (ii) the case is being pursued by people whom the […]

UK is the Eurozone’s dumping ground – by Professor David Blake

Published on 22 April 2020

I am delighted to feature the recent paper by Professor David Blake entitled “UK is the Eurozone’s dumping ground”.

You can download it here

David and I, with Barney Reynolds, were co-authors of the recently published book “Managing Euro Risk”, issued through Politeia.

David has built on the book to prove how the Euro […]