How worried should we still be about the Brexit divorce bill?

This is the actual agreement…

Published on 19 July 2021

Below is the text of an article we had published on CapX last week about the bunfight between HM Treasury and Brussels on the supposed size of the Brexit divorce bill: in short, neither of them can know for sure what it is because of the loopholes […]

The ECB and the PEPP: why are the credit ratings of EU/Eurozone public sector issuers inflated by as many as four notches?

Published on 26 April 2021

The discussions and calls following the launch of my Bruges Group paper “The ECB’s Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme” surfaced two areas for further examination.

One was the “pot calling the kettle black” issue: why is the UK structurally and materially in a superior position (even if we have the wrong direction-of-travel and […]

ECB and its PEPP programme: why are we doing a better job in the UK?

Published on 26 April 2021

I have been in a lot of calls since the launch of my Bruges Group paper “The ECB’s Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme”.

Two issues keep coming up and so I have decided to write two notes on them.

This first one comes down to the pot not calling the kettle black. Or, […]

Video – ECB Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme

Published on 17 April 2021

Walk-through of newly-issued Bruges Group paper on the ECB PEPP programme – the epitome of the failure of the euro.


The ECB’s Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme – epitome of the failure of the euro

Published on 12 April 2021

We have had a new paper published through The Bruges Group.

It is about the ECB’s new QE programme, called the PEPP or Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme.The sub-title of the paper encapsulates it very nicely: “the undermining of the Eurozone as a free financial market, the epitome of the failure […]

Target tax-avoiding EU schemes, not Conservative voters, Mr Sunak

Published on 8 February 2021

Second article based on my interview with the Daily Express about tax avoidance and state aid by companies using bases in Ireland and Luxembourg to trade into the UK…

Ending EU tax loopholes could save Britain £15 BILLION every year – ‘We’ve been pillaged!’

Published on 6 February 2021

My interview for the Daily Express with Ciaran McGrath on the abuses and state aid used to deny the UK exchequer billions of pounds of tax revenues on UK sales:

Vaccine immunity can move P2P shocker – Irish border to be closed

Storm clouds gather for the Northern Ireland Protocol

Published on 2 February 2021

From our special European correspondent Hieronymus Graf von Lupin-Bridgerton

EU officials moved today to close the Irish border in
response to the shocking revelation that COVID-19 immunity can be passed
person-to-person, from one who has received the vaccination to one who has not.

Tests carried out at Laboratoire […]

EU “emergency powers” spuriously based on TFEU Article 122

Published on 29 January 2021

This is the paper in which I explored the misuse by the EU of Article 122 in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union in order, in this case, to bypass the normal budget process and set up the coronavirus recovery fund, euphemistically re-named as Next Generation EU.

Please click […]

EU borrowings for Next Generation EU contradict representations made to bond investors

Published on 25 November 2020

There is ongoing dispute about the next EU budget of which the COVID-19 recovery package (“Next Generation EU” or “NGEU”) is a part, on the basis that the money should or should not be tied to adherence to EU diktats in other areas.

A focus on this area is convenient for the […]