TARGET2 Imbalances – analysis of accounting and risk

Published on 10 November 2020

We visited the Bundesbank in December 2019 to discuss the large imbalances in TARGET2, and to discover how these imbalances were derived from the 600 original account balances.

These are the balances on the 600 nostro and vostro accounts held between the 24 TARGET2-participating National Central Banks and the ECB itself.

We were […]

Lucky, lucky, lucky – ECB meltdown fell on a Friday

Published on 9th November 2020 (by

On 20th October the European Central Bank’s main
Euro payments system went down for 8 hours – so lucky it was a Friday.

TARGET2 was down from 14:40 CET until 22:30 CET, supposedly
because of the failure of a network device, and both the hot and warm stand-by
systems failed to take over. […]

Why SNP want to keep the pound January 2014

Published on 31 October 2020

You can download our paper “Why SNP want to keep the pound” from January 2014 by clicking this link.

The Smith Commission – buying the Great SNP Bluff February 2015

Published on 31 October 2020

You can download our paper “The Smith Commission – buying the Great SNP Bluff” from February 2015 by clicking on this link.

My involvement with the Association of UK Payment Institutions (AUKPI)

Published on 7 October 2020

Regrettably my involvement with AUKPI as chair of its Executive Committee has come to a premature end. AUKPI – both the trade association and the company that the association is based on – are having to be wound up. This was decided upon in the week of 21st September when it […]

EU breaks its own treaty to create Coronavirus Recovery Fund

My article top left on Daily Telegraph homepage

Published on 17 September 2020

For those of you who cannot get behind the Daily Telegraph paywall, here is the full text of my article that was given such prominence on 16th September 2020…

There is enormous gnashing of teeth
and rending of garments over the government’s Brexit fallback bill and […]

Porter’s Five Forces analysis for SEPA

Published on 3 September 2020

I have posted this up here now as I have used this as a reference in my MA essay on industrialisation for the Open University ‘Local History’ course.

Click here to download

The Great EU Budget Deception – the 9th Brexit Paper published by Global Britain

Published on 28 August 2020

We have had another paper in the Brexit Papers series published by Global Britain.

It is subtitled “The EU 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework and Coronavirus Recovery Fund: a dagger aimed at the Republic of Ireland, or a con trick on all EU citizens and on financial market investors?”

It is […]


Cover of the new report

Published on 12 July 2020

I was priviliged to be asked to contribute the figures on the UK’s future financial liabilities to the EU under the current Withdrawal Agreement, and also to set out how the liabilities can better be dealt with – you can click here to download the full report

German court decision on ECB’s Qualitative Easing: more fudge than Thornton’s

Published on 6 May 2020

I can’t help regarding this decision of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVG) as a bit of a fudge. It is rendered less biting because (i) this is part of a long-running saga bouncing between the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the BVG; (ii) the case is being pursued by people whom the […]