Only days left for the Conservative Party to block Chequers Plan

Published on 26 September 2018

If you have ever tried to listen to a damaged 78 rpm record of Harry Lauder’s “Keep Right On To The End Of The Road”, Theresa May’s speeches since Salzburg will be familiar in both form, and content, and in their constant re-covering of the same ground as the stylus slides […]

Project Carlton Phase 1 on UK payments landscape is complete

Published on 31 August 2018

The sponsor of Project Carlton has signed off on the initial research and endorsed that it be shared for validation with five or six interested parties.

You can get a sneak preview of the Preface in the inset within this blog.

The research plots the ministrations towards the UK payments landscape over the […]

The UK’s New Payment System Operator makes a World Class CoP-out on Confirmation of Payee

Published on 29 August 2018

New Payment System Operator (“NPSO”), the organisation charged with delivering the UK’s New Payments Architecture (“NPA”) and the “End User Needs” services dependent upon it, seems to be backing away from its sense of responsibility towards “Confirmation of Payee”, or “CoP” for short.

The CoP service is where a payer confirms that […]

Research phase of Project Carlton – new UK payment services design

Published on 20 July 2018

Two weeks ago, in a blog on Finextra, we stated that our company had obtained initial funding and support for a project to design a new suite of UK payment services, to set against those being implemented by the UK’s New Payment System Operator (“NPSO”).

This project now has a name – […]

Wolfsberg Group should publish its Competition Law advice about its Country Risk FAQs, as a starter

Published on 11 July 2018

Lyddon Consulting has sent the third and final call in its series to the Wolfsberg Group, this time regarding the “Country Risk – Frequently Asked Questions” that Wolfsberg issued in March 2018.

The call asks Wolfsberg put into the public domain the Competition Law advice it has taken about its governance and […]

UK New Payment System Operator – the wrong direction and we need a new one

Published on 4 July 2018

The UK’s New Payment System Operator is well adrift of the problems facing UK payment service users (e.g. lack of access to free ATMs, high fees on card payments for merchants, dwindling cash collection services) but it continues to build up its elephantine governance structure, with committees popping up right, left […]

Virtual Accounts: major changes needed in Wolfsberg Group guidance around “On behalf of” payments

Published on 4 June 2018

We have today called upon Wolfsberg Group to make major changes to the section in the Wolfsberg Group’s Payment Transparency Standards 2017 on “On behalf of” payments.

The guidance is far from complete. In our view it has the effect of giving a clean bill of health to a range of services […]

Bruges Group paper: the Euro’s Battle for Survival – into the Red Zone

Published on 18 May 2018

We have had a paper published by Bruges Group setting out the extreme difficulties in which the Eurozone finds itself, after years of economic stimulus totalling over 3% of GDP per annum and the build-up of both the ECB’s Asset Purchase Programmes and the loans within the TARGET2 system.

These imbalances are […]

BACS and Faster Payments privatised to single private individual

Published on 1 May 2018

In a shock announcement BACS and Faster Payments are being run, as of today, by a company controlled by a single private individual. This must be a first for a critical UK national infrastructure.

New Payment System Operator issued a press release to this effect this morning.

“Operational responsibility for the Bacs and […]

Calls for the withdrawal of Wolfsberg Group guidance on SWIFT Relationship Management Application (“RMA”)

Published on 10 April 2018

Lyddon Consulting has today issued a call to the Wolfsberg Group of leading international correspondent banks that it withdraw its 2016 guidance “Wolfsberg Guidance on SWIFT Relationship Management Application (RMA) Due Diligence”.

You can download the Wolfsberg guidance here.

You can download Lyddon Consulting’s full paper here.

Bob Lyddon, director of Lyddon Consulting and […]